Thursday, 7 July 2011

Blimey... and monsters

Having thought that RSS feeds would be more my thing I have struggled to find pages that I want feeds from. The websites I am interested in, to remind me when my favourite bands and comedians are gigging, do not seem to have RSS feed options. Perhaps I need to spend more time looking for sites... Or perhaps my interests are too obscure!
Any way I managed to find a couple of things and after a little initial confusion found adding the feeds not so difficult. I didn't see the RSS feed icon I was expecting for subscribing to the 23 things blog and had to do it a different way - is this to do with browsers? It is really useful to have the feed to 23 things blog so I can see each week as a separate entry rather than interminably scrolling up and down trying to find the start of a week.
My brain is currently a bit overloaded but I was determined to try the cool extra thing. And it paid off because now I have an alert called 'making monsters out of wool and ceramics' which actually lead me to a site which has really lovely and odd creatures made out of recycled materials.

I am finding it a bit frustrating doing everything in a rush as I would love to be able to explore the functionality of these things a bit more, but hopefully getting the basics will encourage me to come back and explore more later. I guess the benefits so far are that I have found some interesting stuff I wouldn't have necessarily looked for and I have a way of keeping up with news which might be more effective than what I currently do. I often berate myself for not watching the news enough, but if I simply change igoogle to my home page it will come to me every day.


  1. Week 5 is a catch up week so don't worry you'll get there in the end! Good that you are doing the Things and not giving up!

    You can always go back to stuff and explore furtehr later on, hopefully you'll find lots of useful Things to explore

    Rowena 23 Things team

  2. It's not really an RSS feed thing but you might like to know about the Ents24 site which lets you know when your favourite bands are playing. It's here.

    If you click on MyEnts24 and create an account for yourself then click on My Artists you can search for a band (hoping your tastes aren't *too* obscure), then tick the box to add them to your list of, er, artists. Then you get an e-mail when one of their gigs gets scheduled and added to the Ents24 database.

    Seems to work for comedians too...

